FS2000 BAC 1-11 400 Series.

Full animated parts & night textures.

Model by David Maltby.
Textures by Rick Piper & David Maltby.
rick.piper@btinternet.com & David@Maltbyd.fsnet.co.uk
Completed February 2001.
Created with Abacus FS Design Studio & Aircraft Animator.

To install, unzip & copy the extracted folder into your 'FS2000\Aircraft\' folder.

The original model was created with the default 2 engine Heavy aircraft
panel, as I am not interested in creating panels.
There are some 1-11 panels available on the internet. So go & pinch
one of them if you want to.

This aircraft is Freeware.
It may not be sold for profit.
You may repaint this model and upload it to any free internet site
as long as David Maltby is credited for the original aircraft model.